Strategic Leadership
How to master the core skills you need to succeed – at work and in life
In the military there is an acronym called GYST, which is used to reprimand soldiers who do not follow procedure.
GYST is used when a soldier screws up. Bed’s not made properly. Uniform is scruffy. Last place in the fitness test. Bad score in war games.
What does GYST stand for? GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER!
Whatever the screw up, the leader shouting an order or directive will say something like, “SOLDIER, GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER!”
And in response, the soldier will do as directed.
GYST in the world
GYST has made its way from the military to civilian life. Meaning? It’s used as a reprimand to get our personal shit together.
What is GYST really about? Strategic Mastery.
Ultimately, Strategic Mastery is about skillfully planning and executing strategy to your personal life.
The 7 Ladders
To measure and manage strategic mastery, we use the metaphor of climbing the success ladder. For example, there is a career ladder which some people use to establish and monitor their career, or the financial ladder which is used to strategise and improve one’s finances. Reaching the top of the ladder means we’ve reached our goal and our strategy has paid off.
Career and financial ladders are very important, but when it comes to improving overall work-life performance there are actually 7 key ladders we need to climb. These ladders represent the seven areas of our lives that have the greatest impact on work-life satisfaction. We call them the 7 Ladders of Leadership.
As shown, the 7 ladders of Leadership are:
- Leadership Skill Set Competence
- Relationship Wealth
- Home success
- Career/Business Excellence
- 5 Mode Health and Fitness
- Financial Growth
- Goat Gift Pay it Forward
Many people perform well in 3-4 of these ladders. For instance, some CEOs achieve outstanding success in the careers…but their home lives are in tatters. Others may be doing well financially…but they’ve neglected their physical and mental health in the process.
The fact is, very few achieve high success in all 7 Ladders. These are the top 1%.
What about you? What is your 7 Ladders score?
How to climb the 7 Ladders
How to climb your 7 Ladders? You need to excel at the Leadership Skill Set. The Leadership Skill Set underpins personal and work success.
The Leadership Skill Set is a cluster of skill groups that comprise personal leadership. If you want to climb the 7 Ladders, The Leadership Skill Set is your key.
To learn more about The Leadership Skill Set, request a strategy briefing.
What is a strategy briefing?
Strategy briefings are part education sessions and part consultations that go deeper into a subject. They are 45-75 minutes long, depending on your questions and feedback. Best of all, they can be held via group video call or in-person.
The Leadership Skill Set strategy briefing is available to you and members of your leadership team.
Importantly, strategy briefings are free.
Once again, learn more about the Leadership Skill Set by requesting your free Leadership Skill Set strategy briefing.
Ben M. Bartlett will help you to excel at personal strategy. For more information on personal leadership strategy and to organise your Leadership Skill Set Strategy Briefing, email ben (at)
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