Get your free subscription to the Strategic Lessons newsletter
And learn how to excel at the #1 leadership and life skill.
Kia ora. It’s Ben M. Bartlett here and I am writing to you from the awesome country of New Zealand.
What is Kia ora? It’s a greeting from the indigenous people of New Zealand known as the Maori. And it simply means hello or welcome.
As you may know, New Zealand is a developed country of 5 million people located near the bottom of the world.
Here in New Zealand we’re famous for sheep, beautifully picturesque landscapes, the Lord of the Rings movies, the All Blacks rugby team…and that on a per capita basis, we are one of the world’s best sporting nations.
We also have a reputation as being really friendly, down-to-earth and helpful people.
Today I want to help you.
How so?
I’d like to invite you to subscribe to the Strategic Lessons newsletter. And sent directly to your email inbox once a week, your subscription to Strategic Lessons is free.
What is Strategic Lessons?
In short, Strategic Lessons is an educational newsletter about strategy. It is part of a series of products and services that teach the complete process of strategy known as strategic management.
Strategic Management? It is the skill of planning and executing a strategy to achieve a big goal and vision.
Taught as the capstone – or feature – course in business school programs such as the MBA, strategic management has its roots in business. And as this visual illustrates, strategic management is the central skill which ties together all the other business disciplines and functions.
Inasmuch as strategic management is the #1 business leadership skill, it is also the #1 life skill.
Great leaders are experts at strategic management. And the greatest leaders? They are masters of strategic management in all areas of their lives. Business. Personal relationships. Team performance. Health. They’ve got all their SHIT together.
To get your SHIT together, here’s what needs to happen:
To grow a business you need to develop and skillfully execute a good business strategy.
To win a sporting contest you need to develop and skillfully execute a good sports strategy.
To lose weight, get fitter and be healthier you need to develop and skillfully execute a good health and fitness strategy.
To have a successful marriage you need to develop and skillfully execute a good marital strategy.
Anyway, Strategic Lessons is the starting point for learning and mastering strategic management. For developing human capital. For improving strategy. And for excelling at strategy execution.
Again, Strategic Lessons is free, and is delivered to your email several times a week. As well, there is a print edition which is sent to consulting and coaching clients by snail mail.
Strategic Lessons is also the stepping stone to our other strategic services including consulting, planning and coaching.
A warning. And the 5 types of people who should not subscribe to Strategic Lessons
The Strategic Lessons newsletter delivers kickass strategic management education. And the lessons are delivered in a unique, no B.S style. No corporate diarrhea. No academic airy-fairy theory. No motivational mumbo jumbo. No PC nonsense. So if you are into diarrhea, pie in the sky theory, mumbo jumbo or PC silliness then do not subscribe. Otherwise you will be grossly offended.
Actually, there are 5 types of people who definitely should not subscribe to Strategic Lessons.
The Lefty-entrenched fanatic. You support initiatives such as DEI, you have pronouns in your name, you absolutely love Kamala Harris and you think it’s OK for men to compete in women’s sport. Also, during the Covid pandemic you were a zealous supporter of lockdowns and mandated vaccinations. If any of this sounds like you, do not subscribe!
The Corporate jock. You work for a large corporate or govt dept and appreciate the security your job provides you. You love using corporate-speak and enjoy the trappings that come with being a corporate stiff. You’re probably quite intelligent but are risk averse and so you don’t have the kahunas to strike out on your own.
The Pampered silver spooner. Thanks to Dad, Mum and the hard working generations that preceded them, you’re a pampered little Mummy’s boy or Daddy’s girl who lives a life of privilege. When things go wrong in your life they’ll be there to rescue you. No need to lift a finger.
The Law of Attractionist. Your favourite book is The Secret and you believe you can be successful just by thinking good thoughts. Good luck with that.
The Blamer. Life is not going well for you and it’s every body else’s fault. You’re poor, fat, divorced, miserable, have few friends and your kids hate your guts. And yes, it’s every body else’s fault. Take a look in the mirror buddy.
If you are any of the above, then do not subscribe!!
Here’s what you will learn
The lessons in Strategic Lessons are based on our proprietary suite of tools and systems which are collectively called The Strategic Framework.
Each lesson is based on one of the modules outlined above.
And my qualifications?
First and foremost, I am a master strategist, which is best defined as someone qualified and skilled in analyzing and developing strategy. So in a nutshell, I help business leaders to solve their biggest problems with good strategy.
In terms of academic background, I attended my first strategic planning course in 1994. And, my qualifications include an MBA (“A” grade average), specializing in strategic thinking.
As well as serving as a strategist, I am a strategic advisor and coach to CEOs, high performing business owners and team members, helping them to improve strategic performance and to get their shit together.
Clients include senior executives at large organisations such as Marley, Red Cross, AIG and Honda…managing directors, boards and team members of multi-million dollar a year privately owned companies, government department leaders, and the owners of small businesses.
My work has been recognised and featured at industry conferences in both New Zealand and Australia, and has been the subject of legal action taken against others who have stolen my – and my clients’ – intellectual property. I’ve helped firms in a range of sectors including investment advisory, accounting, fast moving consumer goods, building and construction, food manufacturing, insurance and wellness.
Alongside my work with business leaders is the role I perform as a fitness/sports coach and life skills mentor, working with youth. This role is a passion that I’ve been dedicated to for more than 30 years. My business career is my career. My youth work is my calling. And the two work perfectly together.
What is my youth coaching work all about? It’s about helping youth to apply strategy principles to excel in all areas of their lives, such as education, vocation and physical and mental wellbeing. You see, when you master strategy you can master life. And that’s the message I drive into the youth that I coach.
My biggest qualification?
Listen up. I didn’t have the flashest upbringing. Born a poor Maori boy in the small city of Gisborne, New Zealand. And surrounded by a dysfunctional environment that included alcohol abuse, drugs, crime and financial hardship.
But, when I reached my late teens I realised that the responsibility for getting my shit together lay firmly on my shoulders. And I discovered that the key to success was learning how to plan and execute strategy.
Long story short. I did get my shit together. And now it’s me telling high falutin’ CEOs and business leaders how to get all their shit together.
A warning
Yes, when you master strategic management, you can master life. And the Strategic Lessons newsletter is all about helping you to master strategic management. But here’s a warning.
Because Stratgic Lessons is only for serious business leaders, I expect readers to read the lessons. I expect them to study and learn. And those who don’t read lessons are removed from the email list. Why is that? My view is that those who can’t be bothered reading Strategic Lessons are just not serious enough about studying the art and science of strategy.
My policy for those who are removed is just as strict. They cannot re-subscribe.
On that basis then, if you qualify and understand the conditions, then you need to subscribe.
Each of these lessons has been carefully chosen to show you how to apply strategy principles to achieve greater business and personal success.
And to get your shit together.
The Strategy Book – Digital Preview Edition
The Strategic Lessons starts off with a free bonus called The Strategy Book – Free Digital Preview.
This preview is a condensed preview version of the print edition of The Strategy Book.
Listen. The print edition of The Strategy Book is not cheap. In fact, at $1,095 per copy, some people consider the price to be quite obscene. Good news though, the digital preview is free.
The free PDF is a great introduction to strategic management. And how to be better at planning and executing strategy. Here’s a small snippet of what you will learn.
First of all, you will get a concise introduction to the whole concept of strategy.
Secondly, to help you have more wins more often, The Strategy Book introduces you to the most powerful tools for planning and executing strategy. They’re called strategy models.
Chances are, strategy models may be new to you. You may not have even heard of them before. Fact is though, they are used on a daily basis by high-performing CEOs, top sports coaches and athletes, as well as successful military leaders.
You need to know what strategy models are all about. And how to use them. Which is why you need to get your free preview copy of The Strategy Book.
What to do now?
Fill in your first name and email address below, then click the subscribe button.
Eagerly read by CEOs and business owners in countries throughout the world including India, USA, Australia and New Zealand, the Strategic Lessons is a must-read for growth focused individuals.
Again, with the our strategic management newsletter you get lessons sent to your email inbox once a week.
Plus, you will receive invites to free lectures, access to free reports and special offers on a portfolio of strategic management services.
Most importantly, you will get to learn, understand and apply strategy principles to improve your business and personal life. To subscribe, simply fill in your first name and email address below.
Remember. Strategic Lessons is free. So subscribe now by filling in your details below.